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Courageous Conversations Framework

A courageous conversation is considered a discussion that is often difficult and uncomfortable. There are often emotions on both sides of the conversation. A structured framework helps you plan and guide the conversation effectively, ensuring it stays on track and productive.
Nov 27 / Stephenson Mansell Group

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What is a courageous conversation?

A courageous conversation is considered a discussion that is often difficult and uncomfortable. There are often emotions on both sides of the conversation.

The opposing type of conversation is one of avoidance, where difficult topics and emotions are sidestepped or ignored. This can lead to unresolved issues and a lack of genuine communication.

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Courageous Conversations Framework

A structured framework helps you plan and guide the conversation effectively, ensuring it stays on track and productive.

You can also work with a coach to plan, practice, and refine these conversations, building confidence and skill in navigating challenging dialogues.

Step 1 - 5: Conversation for RELATIONSHIP

Step 1

Name the issue

What's the issue you want to resolve? Describe it clearly and specifically.
Step 2

Bring the example

What is/are examples of how this issue shows up?
Step 3

Describe the impact

What’s the impact of this issue on you/others?
Step 4

Examine your personal contribution to the issue

What’s your own personal contribution to this issue?
Step 5

State your intention about addressing or resolving the issue

How would you feel if you were in their shoes?

Step 6 - 7: Conversation for POSSIBILITIES

Step 6

State your intention about addressing or resolving the issue

What’s your intention in raising, addressing and trying to resolve the issue?
Step 7

Think of how you might enrol them in that outcome

How could you enrol them in that outcome?

Step 8: Conversation for ACTION

Step 8

Complete the conversation

What else needs to be raised or said to complete the conversation?
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This content was extracted from SMGs Courageous Conversations course. Contact us to learn more.
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