Navigating Your Career Transition

This program is designed to empower you as you navigate your career transition journey effectively. Throughout the course, you will engage with valuable insights and practical strategies that will support your transition. Each module is crafted to help you build a strong foundation for your next steps.

To maximise the benefits of this course, we encourage you to couple the material with career coaching. Personalised guidance can provide you with tailored advice and support, helping you address your specific challenges and goals.
Together, the course and coaching will equip you with the tools you need to confidently move forward in your career.
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Self-paced online course material and discussion group

Starting date

Start and study
any time, to fit to your schedule

Connect and learn

Connect, collaborate, and learn from others in the course community

Target audience

Suitable for all of levels of leaders currently or soon making a career transition


3 - 6 hours recommended learning time
(1 - 2 hours per module)
12 months access

Course fee

Standalone course:

$300 + GST

With coaching:

Contact us


Module 1: INSIGHT

FOCUS: Looking inward
This module is all about taking the time to identify your career assets and drivers. You’ll review your experience, work preferences, achievements, capabilities, skills, values and motivators. You’ll be able to use this insight to explore the right career opportunities that fit your profile.

Module 2: PLANNING

FOCUS: Looking outward
Now you have a good idea of your assets and what you want, you can start to assess the career options available. This module guides you through the process of identifying and assessing these options, so you choose the best career path for you right now.

Module 3: ACTION

FOCUS: Looking forward
With a clear plan, you are ready to go to market and this module builds your skills to ensure your success. From a winning resume and effective networking to interviewing and negotiating an offer, your coach will discuss the techniques that will facilitate your
career aspirations.


  • Understand your career drivers and values to make informed career choices.
  • Assess your strengths, assets and preferences to unlock hidden potential.
  • Explore different career pathways and options aligned to what you love to do.
  • Activate your professional network to discover new opportunities and gain valuable insights.
  • Learn how to use LinkedIn, to effectively showcase your skills, expand your network, and uncover job opportunities.
  • Prepare an updated and contemporary résumé
    based on your assets and career goals.
  • Identify and use platforms or strategies to find job opportunities. 
  • Prepare for interviews by articulating your strengths and experiences confidently.